Caregiving can also bring a lot of stress. Caregivers need to understand this and plan for it. They need to understand that they may need to structure their time, and sometimes lives around the caregiving tasks. I sometimes feel that it is like the time and energy which necessarily needs to be put aside for children, where their activities need the involvement and time of a parent. However there are many salient differences which I will devote an entire article to later.
The point is that caregiving should not be taken lightly by those who are primary caregiver, they need to plan and manage the lives of their charges and their own! The latter sometimes soes not happen and the resultant stress affects the tasks. Others in the family should also understand the enormity of the issue and provide support, not just helping out where possible, but providing emotional support too. Help in care taking, help that would make the caregiver’s day easier, or just acknowledgement that a great job is being done!