The Foundation will take up its main objective of creating awareness and providing support for dementia in the elderly under the name "Varishta" which means senior, or elder person. In order to take the initiative further we need assistance of all kinds, from money, and advice to introductions and helping hands. Your assistance is invaluable. Please write to us at [email protected] for more information. If you wish to send a donation you can find details here.
Proposed Schedule of Activities
Why Varishta
I must share that for a year I was merrily led up the garden path by a chartered accountant who had no concern for my objectives or my time, had little knowledge of correct process and requirements of the Registrar of Companies, and scant regard for ethics. I finally ditched him and got my registration done through another professional. I only wish I had taken things into my own hands earlier.
That is a thing of the past now, and I have my eyes set ahead on the next task, Wish me luck, and hope to see you join me on the way!