Society needs to create support for the elderly so that they do not fall prey to such evil machinations in their golden years. Our living arrangements need to be neighbourhoods in the real meaning of the word - places where those who live near to each other are concerned about the well being of others who live in their locality. Society needs to be inclusive of the elderly who may no longer be able to participate in the same activities that they pursued during their 40s and 50s.
Often people tell me that such problems of the elderly are a western issue, since we have joint families in India. The truth is that even in India we have a large number of elderly who face a variety of issues on which they need help. Not every person has family members to help them maintain their quality of life in the latter years. Believing in the warm and fuzzy idea of loving and caring multi-generational Indian families, where all pains of the elderly are attended to, is like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand. Awareness must precede action. This article, "How safe are senior citizens in Ahmedabad" on crimes against the elderly in Ahmedabad is an eye opener for us all.
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